Bulletstorm Games For Windows Live Crack

Bulletstorm Games For Windows Live Crack 10,0/10 4991votes
Bulletstorm Games For Windows Live Crack

I'm sorry but I was directed here by your Windows Live people. I've never had to use Windows Live before. Bulletstorm is the first game that hasn't let me just bypass the login requirement and play offline which is all I want to do. All the other games that have a Windows Live component I have just ignored in the past. For online gaming I pretty much just still play BF2 which has its own server connection capability.

Bulletstorm Games For Windows Live Crack

I don't play online with Windows Live. This is what is getting me so angry as I don't want to have to deal with Windows Live in this instance either but I have no choice.

I cannot get to the game until I login to Windows Live. I already have a Windows Live account with the username of TheRealDesdicado but when I login to Windows Live from within the game it comes back with a dialog box telling me that there is no game ID associated with this profile and would I like to create a new account/profile. If you say no one would assume that it would let you modify your profile and let you add the game ID but NO it just throws you back to the previous login screen ignoring any information you previously entered.

If you answer yes it minimizes the game and pops up a IE window which then comes up with an error 500, every single time I try it. The problem is that even logging into Windows Live manually and bringing up My Account profile there is no way to manually add a game ID. I don't understand why this has to be so difficult and convoluted. I have a lot of Steam games and they just work. No nonsense, no messing around, they just work.

I didn't download the game I bought the Limited Edition DVD. I guess I didn't realize that the 'limited' meant you could install it but you couldn't do anything with it once it was installed. It wouldn't bother me so much but I am a very senior and experienced software engineer and issues like this should never, ever see the light of day in a release. And don't think I'm just hammering you about it. I am hammering EA about it as well for requiring this nonsense. For Pete's sake once you bring up the intial screen, the same screen the Windows Live logout puts you back to, you cannot exit the game. You have to Alt-Tab to desktop, bring up the Task Manager and kill the game process from the Task Manager process window.

Bulletstorm Reappears on Steam Without Explanation Still no word on if Bulletstorm will continue to require Games For Windows Live. All Discussions. If this doesn't work, you may need to first uninstall Game for Windows Live Redistributable, and Games for Windows Live marketplace. And since Games for Windows LIVE no longer is 'LIVE' I cna,t get past the damn title screen. It told me to make an account and sent me to a.

Download Bulletstorm free from this online games site. Its not just copy the crack and your. Make local/offline account with games for windows live and sign.

That is utterly ridiculous! I have already told them that I will be writing to the editors of every game magazine I can find and letting them know what I think. Especially after having been burned by Dead Space 2 last week as well even though I was able to return it. This doesn't bode well for BF3 and I can only imagine what horrors we will be required to deal with when that gets released. Why does everything have to be modified? The login for BF2 works a treat. Why not just use that? Zt2 Download Wiki.