Can I Get High From Second Hand Crack Smoke

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Can U Get High From Second Hand Crack SmokeCan I Get High From Second Hand Crack Smoke

Mar 07, 2009 SWIM wrote this: Can your brain be affected by breathing in second-hand or passive smoke in a room occupied by 2 crack smokers? On Monday of this. Sporttracks 3 Serial there.

A Idade Do Gelo 4 Pt Pt Download more. I have a serious problem. My lady friend is a serious and habitual Crack Smoker.

I have been living with her and exposed to the second hand smoke now for over two years. When I leave on business or extended periods I feel like I am going through some form of withdrawal, cramps, dierria, modiness, eginess, anxiety etc. Can the seond hand smoke caused me to become addicted and if so what should I do about it. I know the first thing is to get out of there. Believe me I have been trying to get her help.

Yes, you certainly can get addicted to second hand smoke from crack. It is a very powerful drug. Having been exposed to it for 2 years then for certain you are addicted if you are expericing the withdrawal symptoms that you spoke about.

Until you leave the premises you are sharing with her there is no way for you to avoid exposure to this. Crack smokers are not the best people to have as roomates as they tend to go through their money buying more crack and when their money runs out, they go after your money or your stuff and sell it to feed their habit. Watch the TV program Intervention to get a handle on crack heads and how they 'see' the world. They will rip off their own parents, grandparents, friends, etc.

For their next stem of crack. If you want to stay and help her, it's going to be a very steep uphill battle to be sure.

If you wish to leave, I can well understand you doing so. She will not stop cold turkey unless she is arrested and goes to jail where she can't get any drugs. Rehab for crack heads has a high rate of failure due to the drug's inherent physical and psychological hold on the mind. And you bring this issue and problem on yourself, you are with a drug user, a criminal, if you are stopped by the police in your car, you could be charged ( at least in GA) with possession yourself since it is in your car. If you fail a drug test at work for example you could be fired for use of drugs. You choose to live as you do, so to be honest this is a life you choose to live. A crack user will not stop until they are ready, nothing you can do.

Your only real choice is to pack up and you get out. The stench and effects of 2nd hand crack smoke is making me sick, physiologically and mentally.

I will not let drugs change my life so I will get the landlord to kick out the people upstairs. Though I am downstairs it is a small house so I get the brunt of a old dirty gym sock smell. The odour doesn't seem to leave me.

My doctor says that is olfactory memory of a negative event. Yes, second hand crack smoke can make you ill, but I am not sure whether it is addictive or not. I certainly don't want any.